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trademark registrant中文是什么意思

用"trademark registrant"造句"trademark registrant"怎么读"trademark registrant" in a sentence


  • 商标注册人


  • Any trademark registrant may , by signing a trademark license contract , authorize other persons to use his registered trademark
  • In changing the name or address of a trademark registrant , the trademark registrant must perform the procedures for all its trademarks at the same time
  • Article 35 a trademark registrant that licenses another person to use its registered trademark must enter into a trademark licensing contract with the latter
  • Article 36 when a trademark registrant licenses another person to use its registered trademark , the licensee must be one that conforms to the provisions of article 2 of these rules
  • In assigning a registered trademark , the trademark registrant must perform the procedures for all its identical or similar trademarks registered for the same kind of goods or similar goods
  • In case the ruling is to revoke a trademark registration , the original trademark registrant shall return the trademark registration certificate to the trademark office within 15 days from the day the notice of that ruling is received
  • The trademark office shall notify the trademark registrant and order it to submit , within three months from the day the notice is received , proof of the use of that trademark or proper reasons for ceasing to use the trademark
  • Article 38 a trademark registrant that applies for the cancellation of its registered trademark shall file an application for trademark cancellation with the trademark office and return the original trademark registration certificate
    第三十八条商标注册人申请注销其注册商标,应当向商标局交送《商标注销申请书》一份,交回原《商标注册证》 。
  • When a registered trademark is revoked , the administrative department for industry and commerce of the place where the original trademark registrant is located shall take back the trademark registration certificate and return it to the trademark office
    被撤销的注册商标,由原商标注册人所在地工商行政管理机关收缴《商标注册证》 ,交回商标局。
  • Article 3 registered trademarks mean trademarks that have been approved and registered by the trademark office , including trademarks , service marks , collective marks and certification marks ; the trademark registrants shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademarks , and be protected by law
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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